Sunday, November 14, 2010

Still Lonely....

just wake up in the morning,
and do the things I've done every day,
but it feels kinda chilly,
and it feels so wrong,

like something had been missing,
I try to tell myself that I'm fine,
but the pain still not resting in me,
and I'm trying to find the solution myself,

I miss all the memories,
but then I just realize,
that I'm just a daydreamer,
so I just try to not to think about it

but in the end,
I realized that,
my solitary life will always be lonely,
and will always be hurting,

so I guess,
I just have to face the music,
no matter what,
I'm still a lonely soldier.....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My School

The life is always about school,
My school,
Your school, our school,
As simple as that,

Frankly I hated my school,
Makes me tired,
Makes me feel like a nerd,
And I had to wake up early,

But one thing for sure,
Our life is always about school,
And as a normal human,
We will miss it someday,

So, I had to wake up early,
Tiring myself and become a nerd,
But as long as I"m happy,
I guess it's even.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Lonely Soldier

I’m a lonely soldier,
standing still and keep march on forward,
I will not look back,
for the time that passed,

I’m a lonely fighter,
with brave and courage,
with confidence and spirit,
I’ll fight till the day I’ll die...

I’m a lonely wolf,
running alone in the forest,
searching for time of peace,
in the time of sorrow,

I’m a lonely carrier,
carry the burden behind my back,
keep holding to me,
because you are a part of it

I’m a lonely worker,
put all the work on me,
and I’ll do it for you,
because you are the work I’ll never finished....

I’m a lonely boy,
without a true friend,
but when times come,
I’m sure you will become the star,
that shines the lonely soldier........

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang SmkSMAB

Pada tarikh 27 Mei 2010 yang lalu, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Mohamed Al-Bukhary telah mengadakan Hari Anugerah Cemerlang atau NAMA barunya yang telah diberi oleh orang kuat Bukhary iaitu Madam Dewi Rosnah Binti Radin Suhardi, ialah MAC...iaitu Majils Anugerah Cemerlang. Majlis ini telah berlansung secara gilang-gemilang kerana usaha gigih para guru serta murid-murid yang tidak mengenal erti penat dan jemu mencurahkan keringat agar majlis yang membawa seribu harapan berlansung dengan lancar..

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dah lama,,

Rasanye dah lama aku tak tulis kat blog aku la skang ni kan dah ada facebook,kurang sikit layan blog ni..apa2 pown aku skang dah berumur 14 tahun..masih belajar di smksmab gak,naik kelas 2AG,mula2 jadi ketua kelas lepas tu dipilih jadi pengawas lak,lepas tu pulak dipilih menjadi pembimbing rakan sebaya(PRS)..tapi aku pilih jadi pengawas..macam-macam perkara yang berlalu..ada yang sedih,ada yang Appy,pendek kata macam2 la..